Chapter 3
New features in version 10.3
- Calculation of Z production at NLO fixed-order through subtractions and resummation at the level of NLL. These calculations include the Z+jet process at NNLO using jettiness subtractions. Based on Ref.[9]. Detailed documentation can be found in Section 11.
Jet veto resummation added for color singlet final states, achieving partial NLL accuracy, as described in Ref. [10]. Vetoing energetic jet activity is a crucial tool for suppressing backgrounds and enabling new physics searches at the LHC, but the introduction of a veto scale can introduce large logarithms that may need to be resummed. We present an implementation of jet-veto resummation for color-singlet processes at the level of NLL matched to fixed-order NNLO predictions. Resummation is implemented for vetos of jet activity in productions of a single boson, such as , or , or of a pair of vector bosons, such as , or . The implementation relies on recent calculations of the soft and beam functions in the presence of a jet veto over all rapidities, with jets defined using a sequential recombination algorithm with jet radius . However one of the ingredients that is required to reach full NLL accuracy is only known approximately, hence NLL.
Benchmark results, taken from Ref. [10], are detailed in Section 10.